Audeze Artists 2025 Grammy Winners
The Audeze Artists of Metropolis Studios
Andrew Scheps has spent over 35 years in the industry and is a 3x Grammy award winning Mixer/Producer/Engineer/Label Owner/Software Developer whose credits are ridiculously long and star-studded.
Lee Ranaldo, musician, visual artist and writer, co-founded Sonic Youth in 1981. He played in Glenn Branca’s early ensembles and symphonies, 1980-1984, and has been active both in New York and internationally for over forty years as a composer, performer, collaborator and producer, also exhibiting visual art at galleries and museums worldwide, and publishing several books of journals, poetry, and writings on music.
September 04, 2019
September 03, 2019
August 20, 2019
August 02, 2019
May 17, 2019
The LCD-Xs blow Sound On Sound's Sam Inglis away!
"To call the LCD-Xs good would be an understatement on a par with describing the Beatles as popular, or Picasso as handy with a paintbrush. Because they’re not good. They’re amazing."
May 16, 2019
Tape Op's Geoff Stanfield reviews the LCD-X, LCD-3, iSINE20 and Deckard for pro audio use.
"The only issue I have with Audeze products is that they have made listening on pretty much any other headphone system a letdown. Like everything else in pro audio, high-quality comes at a price; and in this case, it is worth it."
May 15, 2019
Want to know more about the LCD-2 Closed-Back? This review from Audio 46 is for you!
"...if you’re in the market for a closed-back headphone with excellent detail and a warm sound profile that lends soul and life to any track, this LCD-2 variant is a perfect match."
May 15, 2019
Steph Durwin from Major HiFi reviews the Audeze LCD-2 Closed-Back.
"It is deep and wide, and creates a sense of space without even requiring a lot of space from the mix."
May 15, 2019
A thorough review of the Audeze LCD-2 Classic by Steve Guttenberg from CNET.
"The Audeze LCD2C is the muscle car equivalent of headphones -- it's got the power to move you!"
May 15, 2019
The Master Switch gives the LCD-2 Classic their Editor's Choice Award - read all about it!
"Editor’s Choice award. It’s one of the best models that Audeze have ever made. They kept everything we liked, and made it cheaper. And for under a grand, nothing sounds as good as these."
May 15, 2019
Want more info about the LCD-2 Classic? Check out this comprehensive review from The Verge!
"The thing that truly sets the LCD2 Classics apart from other headphones in their price range is their extraordinary soundstage."
May 15, 2019
Read what Henry Wilkenson of Audiophilia has to say about the Audeze LCD-2.
"The LCD-2s possess a quality of sound and level of performance that make them a serious reference level component."
May 15, 2019
An oldie but a goodie - check out this LCD-2 review from Steve Guttenberg of CNET!
"A game-changer. Redefines the state of the art."
May 15, 2019
Trying to decide between the standard LCD-2 and the LCD-2 Classic? This comparative review of the two from Headphonesty from should help!
May 15, 2019
Check out this review of the Audeze LCD-3 from Garrett Hongo of SoundStage!
"In the LCD-3s, Audeze has produced a superb set of headphones. They performed wonderfully with all types of music, producing a rich yet well-defined sound with good spectral balance across the audioband."
May 15, 2019
Check out this Audeze LCD-3 review from Geoffrey Morrison of Forbes!
"In design, build, and performance, they’re the epitome of high-end."
May 15, 2019
Check out this review of the Audeze LCD-3 from Anthony Kershaw at Audiophilia!
"The sound was headphone divine—luxurious, spacious, with a very balanced musical image."
May 15, 2019
Audeze LCD-i4 review by Peter Pialis at Headphone Guru!
"Simply put, these are the best universal in-ear monitors I’ve ever had in my ears; ever."
May 15, 2019
Julie Mullins from The Absolute Sound reviews the Audeze LCD-i4.
"In short, it’s hard to imagine a more satisfying and habit-forming in-ear experience."
May 15, 2019
Audeze LCD-i4 review from Steve Guttenberg at Sound & Vision.
"I’m going to come right out and say it: The Audeze LCDi4 are hands down the best-sounding in-ear headphones I’ve heard."