Audeze Artists 2025 Grammy Winners
The Audeze Artists of Metropolis Studios
Andrew Scheps has spent over 35 years in the industry and is a 3x Grammy award winning Mixer/Producer/Engineer/Label Owner/Software Developer whose credits are ridiculously long and star-studded.
Lee Ranaldo, musician, visual artist and writer, co-founded Sonic Youth in 1981. He played in Glenn Branca’s early ensembles and symphonies, 1980-1984, and has been active both in New York and internationally for over forty years as a composer, performer, collaborator and producer, also exhibiting visual art at galleries and museums worldwide, and publishing several books of journals, poetry, and writings on music.
May 15, 2019
"The LCD-2F presents a linear bass with a deep extension down to 10hz. Extremely tight and precise! I was a bit disappointed to notice how neutral the midbass impact was when I first heard these. The LCD2-F are not for basshead, but I’m not sure they could even satisfy people looking for above average impact, despite the superb extension."
"The midrange of the Fazor sounds full and I don’t notice any big lack of presence in the upper midrange (1 to 3khz). There is an overall presence and richness, making them lively without having noticeable peaks."
"The Classic is extremely close to the LCD-2F regarding soundstage. Both have good, but not impressive sense of imaging; the LCD-2C is more performing here, I guess because of its laid-back nature. Instruments’ localization on the stage seem better on the Classic, along with excellent depth."