How to update your Mobius firmware using the HQ App for Windows

April 30, 2019

Greetings Traveler! Mobius has now reached the stage where we are able to make software updates and improvements over the virtual airwaves of the modern internet! In order to do this yourself, you will need four things:

  1. Your Mobius (this should be obvious, but we thought we'd mention it anyway)
  2. A Windows PC computing machine on which you have Administrator Access capabilities (no other variety will be able to complete the updates, so please keep your fruit-flavored computer closed for this operation)
  3. The latest Audeze HQ app installed on the above-mentioned machine (see this article for instructions on installation). Please note, the newest version of HQ MUST be installed for the firmware update process to work properly (please uninstall older versions and reinstall this one before proceeding.)
  4. The latest Firmware update file, which is included in the package you can download from the HQ page. This package includes the following FW update versions: USB: 102, MCU: 1.71, DSP: 25

Warning: Do not attempt this update if you are running Windows on a virtual machine, and do not use a USB hub for the update.

The in-app "Mode Switching" function for the latest HQ will only function with the newest firmware update with MCU 1.71 or above. If using the new HQ app with older FW, the MODE button will disappear when Mobius is plugged in via USB.

Please note: this update will require TWO ROUNDS of going through the process -- the first round will update one set of software, and the second round will update another set (subsequent updates will only require one round, so thanks for bearing with us).

Here are the steps, which you’ll have to do twice for a complete update:

  • Plug your Mobius directly into your Windows PC via a USB cable. Do not use any external USB hubs, and if possible, connect to the USB port on your computer that's closest to your mother-board.
  • Make sure both devices are turned on, and slide the Mobius' Mic Mute switch down to the Mute position.
  • Launch the latest Audeze HQ app in Administrator Mode by right-clicking on the icon in its destination folder and choosing "Run as administrator." Admin mode is required for Firmware updates.
  • Click the FIRMWARE tab toward the upper right of the HQ app, then click the blue Update FW button that appears on the left:
  • UpdateFW.PNG
  • A message will appear asking you to lay Mobius flat with the earpads facing down. DO NOT move Mobius while the updates are in progress!
  • FWupdate1.PNG
  • Click OK, then select the firmware update file (.mfw), which should be wherever you saved it. Click Open (the file may have a name other than pictured):
  • Latest_FW_version_capture.PNG
  • You'll see the update progress in a pop-up window on the HQ app (this can take several minutes).
  • The FIRST update will display this message:
  • FW_update_1_Capture.PNG
  • Slide the Mic Mute switch UP, then unplug the USB cable from Mobius, wait 3 seconds and hold down the power button for a few seconds to turn Mobius back on. You may then plug Mobius’ USB cable back in and proceed to ROUND TWO!
  • Go back to the beginning of the steps and perform the second update just as before to update the second set of software.
  • Once you’ve completed the SECOND update, HQ will display this message:
  • FW_update_2_Capture.PNG
  • Slide the Mic Mute switch UP, then unplug the USB cable from Mobius, wait 3 seconds and hold down the power button for a few seconds to turn Mobius back on.
  • Congratulations! You have successfully updated your Mobius firmware.



If the installer encounters any problems during the operation, you may get an error message, or your Mobius may no longer be recognized by your computer. In case of this, we have added a Recover button that will appear as pictured below. Just click the button if needed and follow any instructions that may appear. Then your Mobius should be ready to update again.


If you have any additional questions regarding your Mobius, please peruse the other support articles located in our Help Center. If you cannot find the answer you seek there, please feel free to contact us directly at

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