Audeze's Inaugural Livestream!

November 24, 2020

Audeze's Inaugural Livestream!

Audeze will be hosting our first Twitch/YouTube livestream ever on Wednesday, November 25th at 1:00pm PST! Viewers are encouraged to ask questions as Jaren and Grover from the Audeze team beat each other up in Brawlhalla. We’ll be streaming on Penrose headsets, so for those of you wondering if Penrose will be a good fit for your streaming setup this is a perfect opportunity to see it in action.

Awesome headphones, Black Friday discounts, and cartoon violence? What’s not to love! We look forward to talking with you on Twitch and YouTube.

Artists may receive discounted Audeze product in exchange for interviews and opinions. Audeze does not solicit specific outcomes as part of any artist agreement.