Audeze speaks with DJ and producer Filip "Pysh" Abramczyk

November 16, 2022

Audeze speaks with DJ and producer Filip "Pysh" Abramczyk

Filip Abramczyk aka Pysh is a DJ, music producer, sound designer, YouTuber, and the founder of Polonum Music Production Lab. Originally from Poland, Pysh has been based in Berlin since 2019. Besides music, he loves "old-timers, science fiction movies, and good food."

 Pysh in his studio with his Audeze LCD-X headphones

"Audeze headphones are very accurate, especially low frequencies are super exposed what’s very important in electronic music production. I can't imagine working without them at the moment!"  - Pysh
Here's our chat with Pysh:
Can you pick out any highlights from your work that you're particularly proud of?

My greatest achievement is the fact that my passion became my job and I work with music since 2009. I have plenty of new ideas and a crazy long list of things to do. I am thankful that I could perform on many festival stages, my music reached labels around the world. I can pass my knowledge to younger music producers during my music production courses or via YouTube.

How would you define your main role on most of the projects you work on these days?

I compose and produce the majority of my projects and I really love to collaborate with other artists, vocalists, or instrumentalists. When there’s a nice idea for a track I just contact my friends, send them over the project files and we work together for some time to achieve our goal - a fully composed and mixed track. We analyze who could release it and distribute it after.

How did you get started in music? What kind of music did you listen to while growing up and how has that progressed?

My dad listened to a lot of rock music, so it was around. When I learned how to play piano then I became interested in turntables, scratching, and hip-hop music.
I started to listen to electronic music when I was in high school and a few years after I started to deejay regularly. The next step was music production and I did my first track during my studies when I moved out from my hometown to Warsaw.

Can you name any factors that influenced the course of your musical life? Heroes, role models, moments, interactions, etc.

Music is a way to express my feelings. Everything in our life is important - what we experience, the people we meet, and what we see, all have a big influence...
I have many heroes and musicians who inspire me and taught me a lot. We could mention many jazz musicians, pianists, film directors, DJs, rock musicians, or folk music authors. I must admit that my moving to Berlin was a huge game-changer. It opened my mind to tons of new musical ideas.

Can you briefly describe a moment of frustration from your past work, and what you may have done to overcome the obstacles? Would you approach it differently now?

Every artist has better and worse days. Writer’s block made me always very frustrated in the past, but I've learned how to deal with it and how to balance it. When it comes I take a break, leave my studio for a while, and relax. Just let it go and don't overthink.

Is there any gear you find yourself turning to most when working on a project? What are some of your favorite tools/instruments recently?

I love hardware gear, so my favorite synthesizers would be Sequential Prophet 6 and Moog Sub37. I am inspired by the 80s / 90s currently, so I managed to buy some vintage equipment, like Yamaha Rx11 Sampler and Korg Poly800, which will stay in my collection for a long time. When it comes to software, I use a lot of D16, Soundtoys, Fabfilter, Valhalla, Glitchmachines, XLN, Brainworx, or Sugar bytes products.

Do you have any words of wisdom for people who might aspire toward a similar path for their own careers?

The most important thing is to believe in yourself. Then you should prepare a plan and work hard. The last thing we all need is a bit of luck ;)

How long have you been working with headphones, and how do you typically use them in your workflow?

I use headphones every day when I am at the studio for a few months. They became my main tool to mix and even master club tracks.

Do you have any additional comments or stories you want to share?

I would like to send a lot of positive energy and motivate other producers to make more music - even in these crazy times. We need to support each other!

How have your Audeze headphones affected your work? Can you tell us what you've been working on with them recently?

The pair of LCD-X I own has greatly improved the quality of music I compose. They changed my way of mixing music! I mixed the last EP and a single planned for the upcoming months. Both will be released on well-known labels like Ritter Butzke from Berlin, Germany, and Atmosphere records from Belgium. Audeze headphones are very accurate, especially low frequencies are super exposed what’s very important in electronic music production. I can't imagine working without them at the moment!

Pysh's Audeze LCD-X headphones in his studio