ShackNews Reviews the Audeze LCD-1

October 05, 2020

"My search for the perfect headphones has been long. It’s taken me through several manufacturers, slowly turning my office into an audio graveyard. There have been more than a few brushes with excellence. However, the Audeze LCD-1 is the closest I’ve come to finding the ideal solution for my audio editing and music needs."

"Circling back, though, fragile doesn’t mean flimsy. The LCD-1 is lighter like a high-end sports car whereas a few of the sets I’ve reviewed previously might fall into the pickup truck category. The LCD-1 is well built, but lighter to wear than a lot of other options, which is a big plus for extended use."

"The LCD-1 also deserves credit for the size – or perhaps design – of the headband. Smaller headphones and headsets can dig at my scalp or rub a patch of hair away with extended use. The LCD-1, although not big, fits perfectly with no discomfort when fully extended. This means anyone with an average-sized or even large head – like me – has nothing to fear."

"Where the LCD-1 sets itself apart from other headphones and headsets I’ve tested recently is with the drivers (speakers) it uses. Most headphones use dynamic drivers, but the LCD-1 uses planar magnetic drivers. Dynamic drivers consist of a stationary magnet. A voice coil is suspended in the magnetic field and attached to a diaphragm. When an audio signal passes through the coil it causes the diaphragm to vibrate and create sound. This is common for headphones and headsets, even those marketed to audiophiles."

Artists may receive discounted Audeze product in exchange for interviews and opinions. Audeze does not solicit specific outcomes as part of any artist agreement.