Audeze Penrose Receives Gold Award from Movies, Games & Tech
April 08, 2021
The microphone is small and is easy to fit and remove, and also move into the perfect position for playing. The quality of the microphone is really great, with excellent quality speech heard by the people on the other end."
"Connecting the Penrose to whatever end device you want to use is fairly simple – you can used a wired connection, Bluetooth or the included Wireless dongle if you want to use it with a PC or an Xbox. Everything you need is included in the box and it doesn’t take long to get it all set up and running."
"The sound quality on the Penrose is excellent – whether you are playing a game or listening to music, I found it to be very clear sound and I could really feel explosions going off around me when I was playing COD."
"My only real criticism of the Penrose is that it’s not the most comfortable headset I have ever tried. It’s got quite a squeeze to it meaning that extended playing resulted in me having to take it off for a while to give my head a break."
"The Penrose is a really great gaming headset – its got everything you need and you won’t be disappointed. Take it out for a spin now!"
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