Audeze Artists 2025 Grammy Winners
The Audeze Artists of Metropolis Studios
Andrew Scheps has spent over 35 years in the industry and is a 3x Grammy award winning Mixer/Producer/Engineer/Label Owner/Software Developer whose credits are ridiculously long and star-studded.
Lee Ranaldo, musician, visual artist and writer, co-founded Sonic Youth in 1981. He played in Glenn Branca’s early ensembles and symphonies, 1980-1984, and has been active both in New York and internationally for over forty years as a composer, performer, collaborator and producer, also exhibiting visual art at galleries and museums worldwide, and publishing several books of journals, poetry, and writings on music.
Ej Marais - Dream Cafe (EP - Mixed)
Marta Knight - Strange Times Forever (Album - Mixed)
Pale Moon - Dopamine (Single - Mixed)
Guillem Roma - Ya nunca lo sabrás (Single - Produced and mixed)
Clara Peya - Corsé (Album - Mixed) feat. Sílvia Pérez Cruz, Leo Rizzi, Salvador Sobral...
As a mixing engineer one of my primary roles is to bring the sonic vision of artists and producers to life and enhance it. I try to understand every project before mixing it so I like to work closely with them.
I fell in love with music at an early age. My family comes from Latin American, I grew up in Europe, and I have an Arabic surname, so I was exposed to a wide variety of musical influences and culture while growing up. Music had a constant presence at home. I studied music since childhood and started to play with bands and tour around as a teenager. I loved when we were recording in the studio or doing demos at the rehearsal room so this guided me to the engineering side of music where I found my place.
I've been inspired by listening, reading, and collaborating with many incredible mixing engineers, producers and musicians. I learn something new every time I work with visionary people that have a clear idea in their minds. Additionally, I find inspiration in visual arts, paintings, dance... For me, music is not only about sound but also about movement, shapes and colors.
In the past, comparing my work to other's was a useful learning tool but it could also be quite frustrating not to achieve similar results. These days, I listen to the mixes of people I admire and inspire me but do not directly compare, as every song has its own direction and this can make me lose the focus.
For those aspiring to become mixing engineers, my advice is to mix as often as you can and explore different genres. Collaborate closely with the producer to understand and fulfill their vision. Creating a personal mixing environment where you feel relaxed and confident is fundamental, and don't forget to take breaks from work!
Headphones have become an integral part of my workflow, especially when I need to fine-tune details in a controlled, acoustically neutral environment. They've also been invaluable during my work on tour, providing stability and flexibility to work wherever I am.
Before I used headphones more as an extra tool to make specific checks on my mixes. With the MM-500, the headphones enter early in the mixing process so I'm making more vibe decisions on them, not only "technical." They are so natural-sounding, clear and musical that they give me a great reference to balance some aspects of the mix.
I've been mixing a lot of great music these last months from different artists like Pale Moon, Valeria Castro, Sam Berridge, Socunbhoemio, Amanda Álvaro, The Bird Yellow...
I used to be skeptical about using headphones as the only source for mixing or mastering until I collaborated with a mastering engineer who works only on headphones. The incredible results he achieved transformed my perspective on their utility in the studio.
Artists may receive discounted Audeze product in exchange for interviews and opinions. Audeze does not solicit specific outcomes as part of any artist agreement.